Stay Informed and Compliant
Explore our comprehensive guides and resources to understand building sustainability requirements and ensure your properties meet compliance standards.

Washington DC BEPS: Guide to Building Energy Performance Standards
A comprehensive overview of DC's Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS) and what property managers need to know for compliance.

Berdo Boston: Guide to Building Emissions Reduction Requirements
What you need to know to comply with Boston's Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO).

Energize Denver: Guide to Building Energy Performance Requirements
Complete guide to Denver's building energy efficiency program. Understand performance targets, electrification requirements, and compliance deadlines.

Energy Benchmarking: A Key Tool for Building Performance Optimization
Learn how energy benchmarking helps property managers optimize building performance, reduce costs, and meet compliance requirements through systematic measurement and analysis.

Navigating NYC's Local Law 97: A practical guide for property managers
Read on for step-by-step strategies to help hit emissions goals, avoid fines, and automate compliance. To figure out your building's emissions, start by checking your energy bills. Document how much electricity and fuel your building used last year.

What is Local Law 97 in New York City?
Learn about NYC's Local Law 97, including emission reduction requirements, compliance deadlines, and penalties for buildings over 25,000 square feet.

Local Law 87 Compliance Guide
A helpful guide on what is required to stay compliant with Local Law 87 in New York. With a bit of strategic planning and the right tools, preparing energy efficiency standards for New York City's Local Law 87 compliance becomes an opportunity to make your building more efficient.

What is Local Law 84
Understanding NYC's Local Law 84 benchmarking requirements, annual reporting deadlines, and how to comply with energy usage tracking mandates.